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Curriculum Information

 At Ardeley we are very proud of our exciting and ambitious curriculum. Our curriculum has been designed to be knowledge rich, coherent, and clearly sequenced with an emphasis on the skills and knowledge children need to thrive.
Curriculum planning is constructed around a two year rolling programme. 
Vocabulary is emphasised throughout ensuring children can access the curriculum and develop lifelong skills in communication and our attention to cultural capital ensures the curriculum is aspirational.
Our curriculum is based on educational research and an understanding of our local context and needs; leading us to a focus on cultural and ethical diversity, mental wellbeing and a sense of community.


Our vision Loving and Learning in Fellowship and Faith motivates us to apply the lessons of Jesus in both our relationships and education, developing a family rooted in his teachings, growing spiritually, educationally and emotionally.

Our Key Christian Values that have driven our curriculum design (intent) are:
Love and Compassion – Our children will be kind and show empathy and compassion for others. They will flourish in a safe and nurturing environment that builds healthy minds, emotional happiness and resilience.

Respect & Reverence – Our children will value their own identity and those of others, understanding and appreciating other cultures. They will make a positive contribution to society and take responsibility for themselves and their actions. We will keep our Christian ethos at the centre of what we do.

Wisdom – Our children will have a thirst for learning, be creative and curious learners. Our rich, vibrant, ambitious curriculum enables children to acquire the cultural capital to experience success in the future, unlocking doors. Our curriculum is designed to allow individual subjects to stand out, and children to develop the related knowledge, vocabulary and skills. We make cross curricular links where relevant, helping children to make connections and build long term retention and understanding. Our children will know more, remember more, and will acquire the essential knowledge, attributes and skills that are the building blocks for later life.

Hope – Our children will have a chance to shine and meet their individual potential. They will have high expectations and aspirations for the future. Our children will contribute to a better and fairer world.

Friendship – Our children will build enriching relationships and develop the skills to have happy and healthy lives. They will be responsible and active citizens in their local community and the wider world, making a positive contribution to society. Our positive relationships with children and parents will build a sense of unity and community.

Below are the Curriculum Overviews for different subjects:


How we teach Phonics at Ardeley

Reading Overview


 How we teach Maths at Ardeley

Maths Policy

Calculation Policy - the ways we teach maths to your child.

Working Mathematically - KS1

Working Mathematically - LKS2

Working Mathematically - UKS2



Wider Curriculum Map - this details the topics being covered in each year group and subject:

KS1 Year A & B overview

LKS2 Year A & B overview

UKS2 Year A & B overview



Individual Subject Detailed Overviews - these provide more detail for each subject and are used by the teacher for more in depth planning:












Should you require any more information regarding our curriculum please contact the school office and they will pass your enquiry on to the relevant Subject leader.

More information is on our Support at Home and E-safety Websites pages.