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What are Governors?

The Governors of our school act like links in a chain that includes school staff, parents, local authorities, the Church and PCC and pupils - all working together towards the best education that the school can offer.

They are not involved with the day-to-day management of the school; governors delegate this to the Headteacher.

The Governing Boards of VA Schools like ours are responsible for appointing the school's Headteacher.

At our school we have six subject governors - Literacy, Numeracy, ICT, Humanities, R.E. and Science

We also have a governor specifically responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection and a governor for SEND.

The Governing Board consists of 4 different types of Governor: -

Foundation Governor - These are appointed by the Church at Parish (PCC) or Diocesan Level. These Governors have the particular responsibility of upholding the Character and ethos of the school, following the trust deeds of our Anglican School.
Parent Governor - These are elected by the parents of the school.
Teacher Governor - This will be a serving teacher at the school.
LEA Governor - This Governor will be appointed by the Local Education Authority

Elections and appointments of Governors take place every four years. The full Governing Body meets twice a term. The agendas are full and the discussions are lively.

Parents can raise any concern with a governor at any time, although it is usually more appropriate to contact the Headteacher in the first instance. Information on contacting a governor, or requesting a copy of a particular school policy can be obtained from the school office.


Follow the links below to find out more about the governors:

Who are the Governors?

Governor Focus

Governor Attendance

Governor Behaviour Principles