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St. Lawrence Church


Readers: Mrs Wendy Waygood (01438)  861260
Churchwardens: Jackie Hayward & Stuart Hurst

St. Lawrence Church, Ardeley is located at the heart of Ardeley village, next to the duck pond and opposite the village green and the village hall.

It is a grade 1 listed building, dating back to the 13th century and is predominantly constructed from flint and clunch.

It is a beautiful building and some of it's many special features include 12 carved angels in the roof, which are 15th century and an oak rood loft, rood and canopy, which is 20th century.

The bell-ringers  meet regularly and there is a ring of six bells, some of which date from 15th century.


Welcome to

St Lawrence Church


Sacraments of Matrimony, Baptism and Confession are administered by arrangement


Little Fishes and Junior Church 


Throughout the school year, Little Fishes and Junior Church meet on the second and third Sunday of each month, at 9:30 in the Village Hall. The session focuses on a bible reading, and then there are games, art and crafts, quizzes and lots of fun!! There are two CRB checked leaders present so you can leave your child with us or stay if you wish. We then join the service in the Church for communion.


Family services are held on the 4th Sunday of each month at 9:30.

These have an informal and friendly format.

Coffee and cake are available afterwards.


The church music group plays or sings at each family service and rehearses following the church service on the 2nd Sunday. The music group is always keen to welcome budding musicians and singers, from beginners to expert.

In the summer, we have a picnic on the Village Green.

We enjoy Christingle making, decorating the church for Festivals and Mothering Sunday flower posy making.

During Advent, you are welcome to be part of the travelling crib.

Mums are invited for a night out once in a while, too. 

Dates For Your Diary


Sung Eucharist

2nd & 3rd Sundays @ 9.30am


Family Worship

4th Sunday @ 9.30am


Group Service

5th Sunday (please see church noticeboard)


Junior Church

2nd & 3rd Sundays in the Village Hall @ 9.30am


Evening Prayer

Every Sunday @ 6.00pm